The 5 Most Hated Zodiac Signs and Why
No two Zodiac signs are equally liked, but there are certain signs that get people’s blood boiling for various reasons. All Zodiac signs have good and bad qualities, but the foll
5 Laziest Zodiac Signs Ranked from Laziest to Hard Working
You get lazy, and then you get laaaaaaaaazy!! Some women tell their men to get a job, while others tell their children to get out of the house and be productive. Laziness often per
Top 5 Weirdest Zodiac Signs Ranked from Weirdest to Normal
All Zodiac signs are not made equal. There may be 12 signs, but from those, there are 5 that really stick out as the weirdest. This article goes into the 5 weirdest zodiac signs to
Which Zodiac Sign is the Worst? The Top 5 Worst Zodiac Signs Ranked
Zodiac signs are all different. They all have qualities that make them stand out in certain ways, whether more positive or negative. Some Zodiac signs are so loving and so much fun
5 Gemini Spirit Animals That Perfectly Represent the Sign
The Zodiac wheel is fascinating, where most (but not all) signs are represented by animals. Gemini is represented by the twins (Castor and Pollux). However, this sign has 5 very sp
5 Sagittarius Spirit Animals That Perfectly Represent the Sign
In astrology, Sagittarius is represented by a centaur – half man, half horse. This centaur holds a bow and arrow, pointing to the stars. However, Sagittarius is also represen
Zodiac Signs as Mythological Creatures
Zodiac signs have many animals representing them, and even spirit animals. However, they are also represented by a range of different mythological creatures, some you’ve never he
5 Virgo Spirit Animals That Perfectly Represent the Sign
Virgo does not have a typical animal representing it in Astrology, the way a lion represents Leo, or a goat represents Capricorn. Virgo is one of only 4 Zodiac signs symbolized by
5 Taurus Spirit Animals that Best Represent the Sign
Seven animals represent the different Zodiac signs in Astrology. Four humans represent four signs – the twins of Gemini, the virgin of Virgo, the centaur (half human) of Sagi
5 Pisces Spirit Animals that Best Represent the Sign
In astrology, only Virgo and Aquarius have humans depicting them. The rest are depicted by animals. Pisces is represented by two fish, connected by a chord, swimming in two differe