5 Libra Spirit Animals that Best Represent the Sign
In astrology, animals represent the majority of Zodiac signs. Only one sign is symbolized by an inanimate object – Libra. Libra’s symbol is the scales, which depict their s
5 Aquarius Spirit Animals that Best Represent this Sign
In astrology, animals represent many Zodiac signs. However, Aquarius is represented by the water bearer. According to Greek mythology, Uranus, which rules Aquarius, is known as Our
5 Capricorn Spirit Animals that Best Represent the Sign
Capricorn is one of many Zodiac signs represented by spirit animals! This famine, Cardinal, Earth sign is stable, practical and wise. The following article explores the 5 Capricorn
5 Aries Spirit Animals that Embody the Sign
In astrology, animals represent a huge constituent of Zodiac signs, and Aries is no different, as it is represented by a ram. The following are all of the Aries spirit animals, and
5 Cancer Spirit Animals that Embody the Sign
All signs in Astrology are represented by animals, except for Aquarius and Virgo. Cancer is a sign symbolized by the Crab. However, there are 5 spirit animals that best represent t
5 Leo Spirit Animals that Best Represent the Sign
In astrology, animals represent each Zodiac sign, except for Aquarius and Virgo. Leo is represented by a lion, and rightly so. In Greek mythology, Leo is known as Apollo, god of mu
5 Gemini Spirit Animals That Perfectly Represent the Sign
The Zodiac wheel is fascinating, where most (but not all) signs are represented by animals. Gemini is represented by the twins (Castor and Pollux). However, this sign has 5 very sp
5 Sagittarius Spirit Animals That Perfectly Represent the Sign
In astrology, Sagittarius is represented by a centaur – half man, half horse. This centaur holds a bow and arrow, pointing to the stars. However, Sagittarius is also represen
5 Virgo Spirit Animals That Perfectly Represent the Sign
Virgo does not have a typical animal representing it in Astrology, the way a lion represents Leo, or a goat represents Capricorn. Virgo is one of only 4 Zodiac signs symbolized by
5 Taurus Spirit Animals that Best Represent the Sign
Seven animals represent the different Zodiac signs in Astrology. Four humans represent four signs – the twins of Gemini, the virgin of Virgo, the centaur (half human) of Sagi